Úz Valley: the anatomy of a conflict – Part V

Angry Romanians break into the cemetery. hirdetés hirdetés RMDSZ Senator Barna Tánczos has announced on June 5, that Hungarians will protest against the inauguration of the illegally erected parcel by forming a human chain one hour ahead of the ceremony announced by the Dărmănești Mayor’s Office. On June 6, 2019, at 4.00 p.m. several hundred…

Úz Valley: the anatomy of a conflict – Part IV

This is the story of how an unsolved border dispute between two settlements (Csíkszentmárton / Sânmartin Ciuc and Dărmănești) turned abruptly for the worse when the mayor of Dărmănești took unilateral action based on questionable documents. It shows how ethnic conflict in the region can provoke tensions that then lead to irreversible impact on both…

Úz Valley: the anatomy of a conflict – Part III

This is the story of how an unsolved border dispute between two settlements (Csíkszentmárton / Sânmartin Ciuc and Dărmănești) turned abruptly for the worse when the mayor of Dărmănești took unilateral action based on questionable documents. It shows how ethnic conflict in the region can provoke tensions that then lead to irreversible impact on both…

Úz Valley: the anatomy of a conflict – Part I

Romania is no stranger to interethnic conflict. Consider the March 1990 clash between Hungarians and Romanians that led to the deaths of five people (two Romanians and three Hungarians), and close to 300 injured people. Fears of more conflict emerged in June when an unsolved border dispute between two settlements (Csíkszentmárton / Sânmartin Ciuc and…

Discuţie Szijjártó-Meleşcanu despre cimitirul din Valea Uzului şi noul Cod administrativ

Ministrul ungar al Afacerilor Externe şi Comerţului Exterior, Péter Szijjártó a discutat marţi cu omologul său român Teodor Meleşcanu la întâlnirea informală a miniştrilor de externe din ţările Organizaţiei pentru Securitate şi Cooperare în Europa (OSCE), care are loc la Lacul Ciotrba din Slovacia. hirdetés hirdetés Potrivit unui comunicat de presă al ministerului ungar, Péter…

Méra World Music – Erdély világzenei csűrfesztiválja, 2019. augusztus 1–4.

Erdély világzenei csűrfesztiválja augusztus 1-4. között negyedik alkalommal változtatja a kalotaszegi Mérát a világ közepévé. A csűrfesztivál idén sem a nagy tömegeket célozza meg zenei programjával, hanem több kontinensről összeválogatott igazi zenei egzotikumokkal csalogatja Kalotaszeg hagyományőrző falvába ínyenc közönségét. A tavalyi beszámolónkért KLIKK IDE! hirdetés hirdetés A Méra World Music különleges hangulatának a titka, hogy mer…

Secretar de stat ungar: Vizita Papei la Şumuleu este o oportunitate istorică pentru reconcilierea naţiunilor

În opinia lui Miklós Soltész, vizita Papei Francisc în România, şi slujba programată pentru 1 iunie la Şumuleu Ciuc, este o oportunitate istorică pentru ca etniile care trăiesc în această regiune să se regăsească şi să aibă loc reconcilierea. Secretarul de stat ungar în cadrul Cancelariei Prim-Ministrului, responsabil pentru relaţia cu cultele, minorităţile şi societatea…

Dear Mr. President!

Dear Mr. President! hirdetés hirdetés As a member of the Hungarian minority in Romania I welcome your exceptional work in the field of minority rights. I followed your enthusiastic work, observing whenever a member of our community, represented by the UDMR has fough for our freedom of speech, freedom of education, or freedom of learning…